Dec 22, 2006

SEI – Sensing Ethical Introtim Type Description

The trademark quality of this type is a focus on enjoyment and obtaining enjoyment from any situation and life experience. SEIs are able to skillfully derive hearty pleasure from visual stimuli, interesting and lighthearted conversations, eating and drinking, and any other day-to-day activities. They generate laughter easily and like to create a relaxing atmosphere where everyone can be themselves. Their friends know them as people who are full of emotionally-colored sensations about the world around them and are able to lighten and soften any situation.

In their pursuit of enjoyable experience, aesthetic pleasure, and a sense of inner comfort, SEIs typically neglect the development of external prospects that might bring them key opportunities in the future. They respond very well to others’ attempts to offer them new insights into their situation and help them begin new endeavors that have high potential. They gravitate most to people who are interested in experiencing the things they find enjoyable and fun, but who are also skilled at generating stimulating conversation and providing insight on the nature of the external world.


  1. "They generate laughter easily and like to create a relaxing atmosphere where everyone can be themselves."

    How necessary is that to be SEI?
    I am sure to be an ISXp, how can I know whether I am SEI or SLI?

  2. >> "They generate laughter easily and like to create a relaxing atmosphere where everyone can be themselves."

    How necessary is that to be SEI?
    I am sure to be an ISXp, how can I know whether I am SEI or SLI?

    SEIs will cleverly make use of emotions and creative self-expression to make people feel at home and comfortable, whereas SLIs tend to organize activities in a way that makes sense and allows people to relax and have fun, rather than creating a direct emotional impact on people. SLIs are generally good at organizing relaxed and comfortable, but productive environments, whereas SEIs are not so good at handling impersonal organizational matters and focus more on generating fun and enjoyment than on productive activity.

  3. Thanks for your answer. I don't recognize myself in any of the two. I don't care whether others are relaxed or nor not. I think I have to look at ESTp and ESFp.

  4. My hubby is SO SEI! Thank you for confirming this for me. I think the "official" name should be Pleasure Seeker. :)

  5. True but that's only the tip of the ice berg. Also an aspect of SEIs that I feel is very over emphasised. It is certainly not the essense of an SEI...only a piece of it.

  6. I strongly agree with the above. Also, SEI's will be content if someone else is creating such an atmosphere. If that's the case, they will sit back and enjoy. If in a host/hostess position, where the enjoyment depends on them, that's when they try to make everyone the most comfortable they can.

  7. SEI also have an acute sense of right and wrong, and often blame themselves for perceived violations of their internal moral code. They take too much on themselves, and can fall into long unexplainable depressions where they unwittingly hurt themselves and others. My experience anyway.


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