Sep 20, 2008

Video Skype chat with Rick

I'm going to try out something new. I have some free time in the afternoons these days and would have fun talking to people about socionics or whatever by Skype video. If you sign up, make sure you have an idea of what you want to talk about (I will not type you during the conversation -- I have a different procedure for that).  My time zone is EST.

I only ended up talking to two people, which is not very much, but if anyone is interested in the future, I can do this again sometime. I enjoyed the conversations.


  1. Do you have AIM?

  2. I don't, but if it's free and has video, I can.

  3. Hey Rick,

    Unfortunately I work M-F from 8:30am-ish to 5:00pm-ish Central, so none of these times will work for me.

    I'm really only available on weekday evenings or weekends anytime. If any of these times work for you, I'd still like to chat some time. And it doesn't have to be immediately of course, I'm just saying that I won't be able to sign up for any of the times you have posted.


  4. Rick, most people from the socionics community are on, which allows video discussion

  5. Tereg, how about 6:30 my time on Thursday (5:30 yours)? I can shift my "hours" a bit later.

  6. That will work for me. I might be a few minutes late, but I'll try to be here on time.


  7. So how did it go...?

  8. linux does not like skype (it's been done, but i haven't had reason to try it). while i'd recommend staying away from the general socionics stickam scene, because it's increasingly horrendous, it will definitely get you more publicity and may represent a more familiar interface for many users due to the fact that many people have already done it.

  9. You should definitely do it again :)

  10. i'd totally be interested in this. let me know via forum/im/whatever at some point.

    - implied

  11. i am in an interesting situation and have noticed some interesting things about my own psychology. i went out my country to a foriegn country to teach english.... nevertheless that is irrelevant. I notice in a post about, ...'balancing leading and secondary functions' that you mentioned emotional unstability in people who have unlocked there supporting functions. i will tell you my full observations if you e-mail me. i am interested to know what you think in detail, as your post is only indicative of the iceberg top.... long time since i've been in, but perhaps i can be remember for my notority.. the intp sirac. this is my e-mail: (i am not interested in the Skape thing as it would take 2-3months for me to log in the system, however the willingness on your part and the weight of the information i have is more than enough to surmount that obstacle).mail me please


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