Jan 9, 2017

Trying to decide what to do with Socionics.us

One of the best resources on socionics in English, Socionics.us is about to change location yet again. I have just sold the site that it is currently being hosted on, TryUkraine.com. I have one other traditional hosted site left that I can attach it to...


  1. Maybe the website can be apart of socionics.com they are a stable reliable website.

    Can you post on your blog the information of intertype relations like what does it say about monoverts. Is it extroverts or judging types that have a commanding voice?

    Will you post the website on one or more of the following so the information doesn't get so conjested. You can post it on Facebook blogspot or a different blog website or a different social network. For youtube you can take a video of each webpage then viewer can pause to watch it, then make comments about the video below in the comment area or on another social network.

  2. Hey Rick, I'm searching for the Socionics.us charts with information about Irrational/Rational, Extravert/Introvert, etc. But I can't find it.

    Could you please post it, or send the link where these charts are? Or maybe even send it to me by e-mail. I find that stuff some of the best data about the dichotomies.


  3. Rick, so what's the story with socionics.us? Where can I find it now?

  4. How about putting it as a subdomain of Wikisocion

  5. you can find it on the way back machine. That's where I've been viewing it.

  6. Tux Geek, I like that idea. I want it to be somewhere reliable with the material clearly identified as coming from Socionics.us with me as the author.


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