The Information Aspects Revisited
Let's revisit the information aspects with the help of The Semantics of the Information Aspects. First, a very brief look at what the information aspects are about (areas of overlap of both the extraverted and introverted versions of the aspect):
Intuition ( and
): creating mental images
Sensing ( and
): concreticizing and materializing
Logic ( and
): the thinking process
Ethics ( and
): influences on people's feelings
Now in more detail (translated material in black, my paraphrasing and commentary in red):
Intuition involves the process of creating a mental image. Images are usually described in speech through the use of metaphors and figures of speech. The more the description of an object or situation is abstracted from a multitude of concrete details - as is characteristic of image-based perception - the more complete and multi-faceted the image can be. Through the pole of intuition the individual perceives the object or situation in its wholeness and entirety and strives to translate concrete information (sensory images) into more generalized form, resulting in a perceptual vector from specific to general.
Overlapping themes:
Describing time perceives time as an external process and describes it in relatively concrete terms (indicating specific time intervals or amounts of time), while
perceives time as an internal sensation and describes it in subjective terms (what time seems to be doing and how it feels to be in the flow of events).
Perceiving non-material aspects of reality describes guesses or insight about the external non-material world (intuitive guess, realizations, insights; motives, paradoxes, prospects), while
describes the reflection of the external non-material world on the individual (foreseeing, imagining, anticipating; a sense of the meaningful).
Both extraverted and introverted sensing involve concreticization - emphasizing the specific characteristics and details inherent to the object or situation - resulting in a perceptual vector from general to specific.
Overlapping themes:
Describing object's concrete characteristics perceives physical traits directly, without an implied reference to the individual (size, shape, color, strength, rigidity), while
perceives physical traits as they are experienced subjectively (objects' feel in your hand or as they come in contact with the subject through all senses).
Handling objects describes the handling of objects as an external physical act (throw, grab, stick, push, remove, fit, hit), while
describes the experience of handling and interacting with objects (hold, rub, hug, feel, squeeze, try, stain, clean).
Assimilating space describes the physical act of assimilating an area (look around, squeeze in, get through, rearrange, put in its place, influence), while
describes subjective experience of assimilating space (get adjusted, get cozy, make comfortable).
Needs and desires describes desires as the need to consume an external object ("I really need," "I want," "come on," "I want you to"), while
describes the internal experience and physiological processes of satisfying one's needs and desires (processes and sensations associated with health, illness, physical exertion, sex, pleasure, eating and drinking).
Both extraverted and introverted logic describe thought processes (the process of reaching logical conclusions). Individuals with introverted logic describe to a greater degree - and, hence, are more aware of - thought processes (their own or other people's) expressed in analysis or classifications. Individuals with extraverted logic describe the external manifestations of this process - for example, one's awareness of one's actions. Both aspects involve citing or listing facts and data; in citing data serves to specify the subject of discussion and the order of listing is irrelevant, while in
it reflects the information's internal structure. Also in common between the aspects is the theme of discussion - expressing and substantiating one's thoughts, as well as the habit of referring to the functioning of living things (people) as if they were mechanisms.
Overlapping themes:
Clarifying information essentially treats facts and data as external, autonomous objects (emphasizing facts, details, principles, algorithms, and the act of expressing them), while
perceives data in the context of its structure and organization (emphasizing constructions, models, proper organization of data, outlines, systems, and structures).
Asking clarifying questions focuses on the what and the how of facts and data, while
focuses on the why - the logical basis of assertions.
Substantiating one's own and others' conclusions focuses on the external proof of assertions - facts, examples, illustrations, concrete data and its interpretation - while
focuses on internal proofs of the logic of statements and the consistency of logical principles applied.
Both extraverted and introverted ethics describe influencing and influences on people's feelings through vocabulary such as offend, make happy, enthrall, infuriate, scare, get interested. It appears that individuals with strong extraverted and introverted ethics emphasize somewhat different aspects of this influence: the former are focused on external action as a way of changing the emotional atmosphere (saying or doing something), whereas the latter are focused on changes in the subject's emotional state and feelings as a result of this impact.
The same is true of emotional states. Extraverted ethics emphasizes external manifestations (facial expressions, gestures, words), while introverted ethics emphasizes internal feelings, though the theme itself is a part of both aspects. Also, all ethical types are prone to personification - the "animation" of unliving things ("bad computer!" "the computer is acting up again," "this fence doesn't seem to want to fall over; it's still alive"). The field of ethical aspects also includes evaluatory or emotionally charged oaths, for example "creep" or "mean person."
Overlapping themes:
Verbs describing relationships between people describes external manifestations of relationships (meet, date, make friends, be friends, flirt, break up, make up, break off, suck up), while
describes the subject's experience of relationships (be grateful, admire, love, fall in love, hate, be offended, be embarrassed, value).
Verbs describing influencing feelings focuses on the external (observable) actions associated with emotional interaction (excite, praise, get going, hurt, fool, offend, cheer up, scare, make laugh, comfort, calm down), while
focuses on internal feelings (trouble, get tired of, make nervious, offend, let down, scare, irritate, make mad, make upsent, calm). Note that the same words can be used, but with a different emphasis.
Abstract nouns for expressing emotions focuses on visible emotional states (edginess, gloominess, breakdown, boredom, quietness, ecstasy, horror, panic, enthusiasm, sarcasm), while
focuses on internal feelings (guilt, unrest, delight, pride, annoyance, fright, love, hate, hurt, feeling, shame, embarrassment).
Adverbs describing how actions are performed and one's attitude toward them, again, focuses on visible emotional attitudes (gladly, dismally, wonderfully, half-heartedly, discreetly, sarcastically), while
focuses on internal attitudes (frankly, honestly, dishonestly, decently, in a friendly way, in a good way, in a bad way, tactfully, tactlessly).
I was glancing over your summary of The Semantics of the Information Aspects today and it occurred to me that much of what is presented there is still unclear to me. As an example, I have no idea how something such as this: "using sonal forms of words as a means of expressing emotions" constitutes, in itself, an entire theme. The word "sonal" apparently does not exist, by the way.
Sorry about that word... ("sonal"). That point in the article (see means expressions like "wowzers!" "lickety splicket" and "frrrr real!" These are words and expressions that create an impact due to their sound rather than their meaning.
I cannot conceive of how it is possible for something like that to be developed so extensively that it occupies a central role in one's verbal expression. I don't really think I actually know anyone who talks like that. Has 1/4 of the socion mysteriously eluded me throughout the entirety of my worldly existence?
wow, it seems like Extraverted Sensing really sucks compared to Extraverted Intuition. Im a SEE and I can see that Ne-people are just like better human beings.
Honestly, where do you get that?
oh sorry for trolling, really.
I knew that you wouldn't agree, there are not 'better' and 'worse' types. just an impression.
great blog btw, congratulations.
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